Friday, July 27, 2012

LOOK! a Map!

Well, we couldn't go for too long without giving you a little more to snack on.

Turns out a map has been found in a old desk.

ooooooooooooo, a map. But a map of what?

so, anyway.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Goblin Concept Art Time

Another piece of concept art that will hopefully tickle the fancy of everybody in question.  It certainly tickles ours.

We're not going to go into too much detail on this one (meaning none), instead we'll just let you stew over it.

...There ya go.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Oh, dear. What is this? Another clue about what is coming. But what?! What is it?!

We really wish, we could just spill the proverbial can of pork n' beans. Sadly, this cannot be. Just keep staying tuned. More and more is coming.

In other news, play-tests are going well. The contents of the first box is being ironed out, oh.... AND THIS GAME IS GETTING MORE AND MORE FUN TO PLAY!

... and other stuff.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Concept Art Ahoy!

Hey everybody,

We are proud to present to you a couple more rough concept sketches.

Hopefully this will begin to shed a little more light on the situation.

If not... then don't worry. There is more to come.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First Game Concept Art

WooHoo! the first bit of concept art for the first game.

"But what is the game?!"
"Sorry, we can't tell you yet."
"Yeah, sorry. But don't worry, stay tuned and we will reveal more and more of the game as things come closer to the Kickstarter launch"

Well, anyway. We are uber excited about this game and it's setting. mmmmmmm the setting. Don't worry, more will come shortly.

... More Art
... More Background
... More Videos
... More More

Friday, July 13, 2012

Yeah! a video!

Hey Everybody! Good news.

The Big Squid Studios Youtube channel is up and running with it's first video.

We've put the video here on the blog for your viewing convenience.

Keep watching the blog for more news and updates

Coming up we'll have some concept art for the first game so you won't feel so in the dark.

Plus we'll give you more info on the upcoming Kickstarter project.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Maiden Voyage!

(why yes, I did just yell that. And no, I don't care about internet etiquette)

well people, welcome and bienvenue to the Big Squid Studios blog.

Big Squid Studios is... well... it's something we've started so that we can create any tabletop/board/wargame that is screaming to be made.

Right now we have about four games in the beginning stages, but, we will be focusing on one at a time. 

First up is a great little tabletop skirmish game that is set in a very unique and exciting setting. But, we'll tell you more about that in upcoming posts.

Watch this blog for updates and complete awesomeness.