Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Up From the Dust

Hey everybody!

We've been basically dead... silent as the grave.
Sorry. really. Things have been moving incredibly slowly as of late.

But, We just returned from Board Game Geek .con in Dallas Texas! The board game convention put on by Board Game Geek. We went there with Potluck Games to help their fantastic game Dungeon Dice. If you haven't checked it out yet take a look and pick up a copy.

Oh, and look at the size of the room where people play games!

thats a lot of people playing board games!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Last Day for Dungeon Dice!

Hey everybody!

We thought we would let everybody out there know that there is only one day left to get in on the Dungeon Dice Kickstarter Campaign.

Clink on the Linky (this link) and get a copy of the game, along with a ton of Kickstarter exclusive pieces.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

IT'S ALIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!! and we're yelling at you.

fear not children... Big Squid Studios is alive....
we're just in stealth mode right now.

Playtesting rules are being fleshed out and will be made available for free download.

in the meantime we want to let everybody know that Dungeon Dice from Potluck Games is back up on Kickstarter.

Here's the video.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Imperial guard for Sale

Hey everybody!

Cameron here with a personal note...

I'm selling my imperial guard army, I just don't use it and it needs a better home (and garden).
$900 flat will get this in your hands (shipping included)

If you want me to finish painting everything to match it bumps up to $1700

Here is the run down.
Everything is assembled and options magnetized for the vehicles
Some are painted and I will list them.
If you bought all this retail it would be about $650 plus taxes. If you had it assembled, converted, magnetized, and painted by a company to this standard you are talking a lot more

The units include:

1x Company command squad (10 figures) painted
(Astropath, Master of Ordnance, Officer of the fleet, 2 Body guards, Plasma gun, Banner, Vox Caster, and Monkey Medic.)

1x Vet squad (10 figures) partially painted
(3 melta guns, melta bombs...)

1x Penal Legion led by Ministorum Priest (11 figures) painted
converted from Empire Flagellants and Empire wizard

1x Platoon painted
- Platoon command squad (5 figures)
- 2x Infantry squads
- Heavy weapon squad

3x Sentinels 1x painted

1x Basilisk partially painted

2x Hellhound 1x painted
(magnetized with all 3 options)

2x Leman Russ Demolishers
(magnetized with all 3 options)

1x Valkyrie partially painted
(magnetized options including Vendetta)

1x Chimera
(magnetized turret and hull options)

1x custon Gretchin Sniper

A lot of love was put into the assembly of this army and tons of extra bits were used. Catachan, Cadian, Empire, Tau, Kroot, Ork, and more. The idea behind it was an Imperial Guard Company gone rogue and accompanied by a group of zealots (the penal legion) and other mercinaries. The company commander is a rogue trader and was converted with a pirate theme. Sadly, as much as I love it I just don't use them.

Email me if you are interested. (thesquid@bigsquidstudios.com) Below are more pictures

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Potluck Games Team Up

Hey everybody!

It's update time.

We've teamed up with Potluck games (home of the angry cat on a mushroom) to bring you something dicetacular!

If you are a fan of classic fantasy games and dice... we know we are, then you will love this game.

Right now you can go to Kickstarter to pledge your support, find out how it's played, and reserve a copy of the game.

Just to get your attention, here is the video from the kickstarter page.

so go and check it out by clicking on this link.

oh and things are coming along with our skirmish game as well just in case you were worried.